Monday, 3 August 2015


        It would be so  cliché of me to say that I enjoy getting drunk, smoking profusely and probably would love to sacrifice some goats (Might add some virgins) to Satan under a full moon: Yeah?
There is a lot in being a fan of rock than meets the eyes, its not just the other stereotype-based theory like ; rock is demonic, only Goths like rock, everyone who loves rock music must be rebellious, have numerous body piercings, tattoos, a Mohawk and a billion boyfriend/girlfriend – no , not all that… ever heard about the God of rock?
Let me enlighten you a little –

          Heaven is not all about the hymns and harps, especially when a soul has just been won into the kingdom – OH NO!

          Imagine the fog gathering, a cherubim playing the brass guitar which is backed up by Gabriel’s lead guitar; then the drums roll by another cherubim along side with some archangels rocking out with the electric guitar. The heavenly choir ready to back up the lead vocalist – Michael, the war angel with his Mohawk, black leather jacket and boots who with the hardcore voice begins to sing HOOSSAANNAAA!!!

         The drums are rolling, the screaming crowd  goes wild, Michael lets out a great roar hat comes down to earth as thunder; the special effects, the guitar solos, the twenty- four elders chanting Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!
The saints, while the saints are rocking out backstage. While God is seated on His throne, tapping and nodding His head to such beautiful melody in the VIP lounge. For God loves rock ‘n’ roll! Whether its metal, Goth, alternative or grunge; God is a big fan of music and can use any form of medium to pass on any message.


Yes. Yes you should. Hip- pop may have the punch lines. Afro may have those funky beats. Reggae may as well use up the entire crank and weed and rainbow outfit but rock – rock is poetic, passionate and deep and so is God. The God of rock.
                                                                                                By N

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Rockaz world…….. Long Live Rock Music